Microsuction Earwax Removal

Microsuction is the cleanest and safest method of wax removal as it does not require water to remove the wax.


MICROSUCTION Services in weymouth

Looking For Ear Wax Removal Services
Near You?

Our accredited practitioners specialise in the removal of earwax using gold-standard Microsuction technology. During your appointment, your clinician will be able to examine your ears using a specialist camera to examine the inner ear.

Excessive earwax is then gently and safely removed in a single 30-minute appointment.


How Does Our Earwax Removal Service Work?

Book an appointment
We offer fast and easy access to our ear health check-up service, so you won't have to wait long to be seen. You can call us to speak to one of our team.
Use olive or almond oil
The oil will help to soften any wax in your ear and will increase the effectiveness of the microsuction procedure. You can buy this type of oil in most high street pharmacies.
30-minute appointment
Your appointment will last approximately 30 minutes. Your practitioner will explain the process and ensure you are happy to proceed.
What happens next?
In most cases, earwax removal is successful and you should feel immediate relief from any symptoms.
Common Questions

Most Popular Questions

Microsuction ear wax removal takes between 20 and 30 minutes depending on one or both ears being treated.
Microsuction is a painless procedure
3-5 days with olive oil drops or spray.
Yes this can often help clear up ear infections along side other treatments.
Why Choose Us

Microsuction Benefits

Quicker and safer than Ear Syringing
Clearer view of ear canal and drum
Restored Hearing
Less chance of ear infections
No messy water used unlike ear syringing
Less chance of dizziness compared to ear syringing

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